Blaize Lights Up ISCwest

Blaize Lights Up ISCwest

Team Blaize converged on Las Vegas last week for ISCwest 2024, showing more than a few of the 25,000 security and public safety professionals gathered at the Venetian Expo how Blaize products are revolutionizing surveillance and accelerated computing. The International Security Conference and Exposition – ISCwest – is the leading comprehensive and converged security trade event in the United States.

Blaize took up residence in a prime spot in the bustling Emerging Tech Pavilion alongside other AI-driven companies showcasing emerging trends in drones and robotics, cybersecurity and connected IoT, smart homes, and even robotic dogs. ISCwest proved pivotal for Blaize, as our company unveiled cutting-edge solutions in accelerated computing for AI-enabled surveillance applications in an immersive experience. With a booth that buzzed with innovation and industry insights, Blaize left a significant mark on attendees, showcasing our prowess in scaling from the Edge to the data center. 

The conference provided an unparalleled platform for networking and collaboration among security industry professionals, from established industry giants to nimble startups. For Blaize professionals Val Cook, Harry Woodrow, Grant Jensen, Sid Thakur, Roberto Mijat, Tiffany Tan, Tony Liao, and Leo Merle, ISCwest was a robust week of networking and demonstrating new products, cutting-edge technologies for the security industry and Blaize solutions from our growing ecosystem. “ISC West is always a great opportunity for Blaize to showcase our innovations in accelerated computing – from the edge to the data center – and discover what is new and next in the security industry,” said Val Cook, a Blaize co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer. “Blaize’s innovative approach to security sets us apart as a leader in the industry, making us well-deserving of such a prime position at this premier security trade event.”

Blaize Partnership with CVEDIA 

A neighboring booth, CVEDIA, recently partnered with Blaize to bring cutting-edge AI solutions to security customers operating on current systems, announced on Day 1 of ISCwest (read the press release). The technology collaboration aims to empower security professionals with advanced surveillance capabilities without requiring substantial investments in new infrastructure. Legacy systems have long been a barrier to adopting AI-driven security solutions, with many organizations struggling to accommodate the resource-intensive demands of AI algorithms and workflows.

Both companies face challenges related to compatibility, processing power, and cost. As a result, enterprises need help leveraging AI solutions’ transformative potential to streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and drive innovation. Blaize and CVEDIA are addressing these obstacles by leveraging their expertise in AI computing and computer vision software to deliver scalable, cost-effective solutions tailored to the needs of security customers without the need to rip and replace existing infrastructure.

Through this partnership, the CVEDIA AI Encoder, a specialized software module designed to integrate its video analytics software with existing video surveillance systems, will be integrated with the Blaize® Graph Streaming Processor (GSP®) based platform. By combining Blaize’s GSP and CVEDIA’s comprehensive video analytics offering, this solution will enable security customers to leverage 3rd party Video Management Systems, such as Milestone, to deploy sophisticated video analytics capabilities directly on their legacy systems without extensive hardware upgrades or replacements.

Revolutionary Accelerated Computing Solutions

Industry professionals learned how Blaize’s Accelerated Computing solutions represent a paradigm shift in the security industry. At the heart of Blaize’s showcase at ISCwest was our groundbreaking Accelerated Computing solution, designed to meet the evolving demands of AI-driven surveillance. Anchored by the Blaize® Xplorer® X1600 EDSFF Accelerator and integrated seamlessly into a SuperMicro server system, this offering boasts impressive capabilities. With dual Intel Xeon processors and 24 Blaize Accelerator Cards packed into a compact 1U rackmount form factor, the system delivers nearly 400 TOPS of performance at the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO). “By harnessing the power of AI and machine learning, Blaize enables real-time video analytics and surveillance applications with unparalleled speed and efficiency,” said Harry Woodrow, Vice President of Sales & Development at Blaize. Our cutting-edge hardware and software integration delivers industry-leading performance density, making us an essential partner for security professionals looking to stay ahead of evolving threats.”

Scalability Across Edge to Data Center

Industry pros also learned how Blaize solutions uniquely address the full spectrum of security needs, from edge devices to data center infrastructure, providing scalability across the Edge to the data center. With successful deployments across multiple sectors, including defense, law enforcement, and public safety, Blaize has earned the trust of security professionals around the globe. Our industry-leading solutions have been recognized for their excellence, solidifying our reputation as a leader in the field. “This scalability is crucial in today’s security landscape, where threats can arise from anywhere and at any time,” Woodrow added. “Blaize empowers security professionals to deploy comprehensive surveillance systems that adapt to their evolving needs by offering a seamless transition from edge processing to centralized analytics. Our innovative approach to security, scalable solutions, focus on affordability, comprehensive ecosystem, and market-proven track record made us a natural fit for ISCwest,” Woodrow said. “By showcasing our latest advancements at ISCwest, we reaffirmed our commitment to driving innovation and excellence in the security industry.”

Lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Blaize’s commitment to delivering the lowest TCO makes us an attractive choice for security professionals seeking cost-effective solutions without compromising on performance. “Blaize reduces deployment and maintenance costs by optimizing hardware and software integration while maximizing operational efficiency,” said Grant Jensen, Senior Director of ISV Sales and Business Development at Blaize. “This focus on affordability ensures that Blaize’s solutions are accessible to organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.”

Beyond the technical specifications, Blaize’s overarching message resonated throughout the convention hall: accelerated computing is the future of AI-enabled surveillance. Blaize is reshaping the security and surveillance applications landscape by offering industry-leading performance density at scale, multi-tenant capacity, and the lowest TCO.

Comprehensive AI Software and Hardware Ecosystem

Visitors to the Blaize booth learned about our company’s comprehensive AI Software and Hardware Ecosystem. “Blaize’s AI software and hardware ecosystem offers a one-stop solution for security professionals, streamlining the development, deployment, and management of AI-driven surveillance applications,” Jensen said. Blaize provides all the tools and resources needed to build sophisticated security solutions quickly, from visual code-free environments to ready-to-use analytics libraries. “This comprehensive ecosystem fosters innovation and collaboration, positioning Blaize as a trusted partner for security professionals worldwide,” Jensen added.

One of the highlights of the Blaize booth was the live demos given to potential customers, showcasing the power and versatility of our solution. Visitors witnessed firsthand how the system could handle many 1080p video streams, with each Blaize accelerator card computing several concurrent complex analytics based on Yolov8. “As more streams came online, the system seamlessly scales to meet the demand, demonstrating its ability to handle the most demanding surveillance environments easily,” said Sid Thakur, Product Experience and Design Manager at Blaize.

Blaize® Picasso® Analytics 

The demos also included a detailed explanation of the new Blaize® Picasso® Analytics toolkit library, which enables the rapid development and deployment of sophisticated analytics applications. With a visual code-free environment and a growing collection of pre-built video analytics building blocks, the toolkit significantly reduces the complexity and cost associated with traditional development approaches. “From traffic exit analysis to facial recognition, the possibilities are endless, empowering users to unlock new insights and capabilities,” Woodrow said.

Blaize’s market-proven track record and industry recognition “further validate our position as an innovator in the security industry,” he added. 

The success of Blaize’s showcase at ISCwest underscores the growing demand for innovative solutions that bridge the gap between edge and data center. With our comprehensive AI software and hardware ecosystem, Blaize delivers systems and solutions and fosters an industry-leading ecosystem of partners and developers.

As the convention drew to a close, attendees left with a newfound appreciation for the transformative potential of accelerated computing in security and surveillance. With Blaize leading the charge, the future looks brighter than ever for those seeking to harness the power of AI to protect and secure our world.